How Can E-mail Marketing Gain You More Customers?

Before getting into the benefits of E-mail marketing, let’s have a quick look at some facts about e-mail marketing.

  • There are over 251 email marketing software solutions currently on the market.
  • Millennials (the next big consumer generation) are 70% more likely to check their emails from their bed, 57% from the bathroom and 27% whilst driving.
  • 58% of adults check their email first thing in the morning.

So now, let’s find out how e-mail marketing can help you gain more customers.

  • Get Personal: E-mail marketing is the most effective way to get in touch with the customer, depending on how brilliantly you segment your customers. Segmentation allows e-mail marketing campaigners to identify and thank the most loyal customers with special offers exclusive to them.

Image result for How e-mail marketing can gain you more customers?

  • Enhance your marketing channels: Having an e-mail list can prove to be handy, especially if you want to divert your customers to other marketing channels like Facebook and YouTube. E-mail marketing can easily divert traffic back to your website and draw customers into your brand.
  • Increase Brand Awareness: Each e-mail campaigning that you perform keeps your customer updated to your business, keeping you in business and not your competitor. It also helps constantly build value with customers along with providing a chance to turn leads into loyal customers.
  • Low Cost: E-mail marketing is much eco-friendly and low-cost as compared to conventional marketing methods. It saves you big on design, testing, executing and printing newsletters.

Implement email marketing to generate more sales

  • Global Reach: E-mail marketing provides you the most cost-effective and easiest way to create a customer base through e-mail marketing campaigns all around the globe, providing affordable access for small businesses.
  • Easily Shareable: With just a click of your mouse button, you can share your deals, offers, and news with your customers and their family and friends. Those who don’t share your e-mails provide you more exposure and credibility.
  • Easy to track results: Google Analytics can provide a more detailed picture of your e-mail marketing efforts like open and click-through rates, as well as the number of subscribers. You can use these data to refine your digital marketing technique, making sure that your e-mail marketing campaign is always improving.

Finally, e-mail marketing allows contacting your customer as opposed to a website that needs the customer to contact them. It can help you get sales by offering exclusive deals to gain customers back into the business. The importance of e-mail marketing lies in the fact that it still provides the easiest and reliable way for businesses to reach up to customers and generate sales.

Rahul Rungta

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