How Do You Know Your Content Is Working?

The good old saying “Content is King” stands till today and will continue to rule the world of digital marketing. Good quality content attracts more visitors while keeping the existing ones fresh. It also helps businesses bond with the customer to drive sales.

Explore the various content marketing strategies

But the question is, How would you know if your content is good or not? What are the parameters on which we can judge the quality of a good content? Today, we are going to some possible answers to these questions.

  1. Attribution Modelling: While your website is filled with content, the thing that strikes most of us when we think of content is blog posts, landing pages, and Infographics. Attribution modelling allows you to assign some value to all content pieces that visitors understand before altering.
  2. A/B Testing: A/B testing is an excellent way to measure the value of some content, like the text in the form field and pop-ups. These tests allow us from adding unnecessary content in the form fields by telling when we don’t actually need content in those areas.
  3. Social Shares: It is important how you engage with your customers, and social shares are definitely one way to measure that. Social shares are probably the best way to measure the success of a blog post and product description.
  4. Links: Great content always earns more and more links. But don’t take your content for bad if you aren’t earning links. You can take help of several online tools to keep a track of links.
  5. Comments: The comments you get on your blog posts and social media shares are usually a signal that the reader is deeply engaged with your content. If readers are moved by your content, they will express more views on your platform through the comments.
  6. One Metric: It is an online tool that combines various signals mentioned above and then weighs them to give a quick review of your content marketing strategies. They can provide you useful information about your content which will help you in making decisions about future digital marketing strategy.
  7. Caveat: You cannot judge content only on the basis of numbers and if you play safe by investing in contents that put numbers in your favour, then you are missing out big on opportunities.

These are some of the criteria based on which you can check the quality of your content. Also, you can go for content automation, which will provide the most efficient channel for your content marketing strategy.

Rahul Rungta

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