Facebook Doesn’t Approve Ad Target With Third Party Data

Recently Facebook is eliminating the sort of ad target that helps in employing data directly from the third parties. The company is working hard in intimating the ad world regarding the seriousness in matters of protecting the consumer data. Still, the advertisers would be allowed to make use of the Facebook’s collection of data in the attempt to successfully target people. Such action is unlikely to hurt the Facebook’s ultimatum in the precise term. Such a move can make Facebook least attractive to most of the conventional brands. Facebook is ruling the top in making the advertisers make use of the data successfully collected by the apps. This is created adequately by firm Cambridge Analytical.


About The GDPR Law

The concept arrives prior few weeks before the effect of the General Data Protection Regulation. This is also known as GDPR. The European law will put the essential burden on the digital podiums. This makes the advertisers get the explicit consent from the clients in matters of utilizing the digital data. In particular, the tech giant is making a move in shutting down the five years old Partner Categorical Program. This will allow the advertisers make use of the data from the source of the third parties, and deliver those ads to the suitable and targeted consumers.

Conduct Of The Facebook People

Here is the program description given on Facebook. Based on the report of the use of the Partner Categories you can efficiently target the consumers, and this is based on the offline conduct of the people beyond the periphery of Facebook. These are people owning a residence, or they are in the market for the new vehicle. The person can even be a loyal buyer of the particular product or brand. Facebook’s Partner Categories will offer the kind of result in matters of data slewing partnership with associations like Oracle and Axiom.

Usefulness Of Ad Targeting

Companies like Oracle and Axiom can pull data from the various surveys, from the source of the public records, the store of the loyalty cards and the rest. This is the sort of useful ad targeting, and it cannot make up for the significant Facebook’s ad-based business. The Partner Categories prove to be indispensable for specific brands, the bulk of the advertisers will employ the rich data of the Facebook on the users, or the personal set of data for targeting the ads.

Talking About The Advertisers

In the general sense, the Partner Categories will appeal to the happening advertisers who are without the personal consumer data. You can speak of the packaged good advertisers who are responsible for selling the store products or the car brands using the dealers. In the real sense, the brands that are sold directly to the clients are like Dollar Shave Club, Casper and Warby Parker are making a positive impression in the market. These are companies who do not need the involvement of the third party for the successful running of the ad campaigns.

Image result for Facebook Doesn't Approve Ad Target with Third Party Data

Collecting Data Without The Third Party

The above-mentioned companies know how to raise their data without having to depend on the third party. It is also vital to note when Facebook is no longer making use of the option of involving the third party data to target public with the ads; the marketers are still capable of making use of the data directly from Oracles from the genre, with the purpose of measuring the effect of the campaigns. It is important to mention that the specific toothpaste brand will not be using the third party data to send the ads to the buyers, and these are supermarket shoppers.

Depending On The Third Party

However, the companies still will have to depend on the third party to track the Facebook ads, and this will result in people purchasing the items from the store racks. The kind of move in the process can make Facebook’s revenue to increase overnight. This can frustrate the happening and the big advertisers, and they are in fact struggling to understand regarding the effectiveness of the Facebook advertising in the first case. In addition to this, Google along with the rest of the winnable rivals like Snapchat, Twitter, and even Pinterest can offer the similar kind of targeting. In fact, this is how they will work with Oracle in the future.

Rahul Rungta

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