The 7A model for successful content marketing

How many times have you heard the phrase “Content is King”? It’s running rampant amongst marketers and content strategists. According to HubSpot, companies that publish at least one blog post per week grow revenue by 89% faster than those that don’t publish any content at all!

How many times have you heard the phrase “Content is King”? It’s running rampant amongst marketers and content strategists. According to HubSpot, companies that publish at least one blog post per week grow revenue by 89% faster than those that don’t publish any content at all!

The 7A Strategy For Effective Content Marketing is a fantastic framework that can be used for any content marketing project:

  1. Agile: Agile Marketing is the key to growth.
  • Understand your audience
  • Experiment with what you already know that works
  • Test different messages and validate them for results. Use the ones that work.
  • Don’t be afraid of changing channels or trying new things. Stay agile and be consistent.
  1. Authentic: Stop creating mediocre content!
  • Make your brand seem more interesting
  • Be the one creating content worth talking about
  • Be real and don’t try to always look like you are perfect
  • Know what you are doing first before showboating or acting off
  1. Attention: If you want your business to grow, you have to get the attention of your potential customers.
  • Make sure you give at least 100% in whatever it is that you do.
  • You have to make a good first impression.
  • You have to talk about something that they are really interested in and make sure that you know what it is and how to talk about it.
  • Make sure that one thing can lead to another, because if not, the audience will get confused, and then they will get distracted.
  1. Audience: The audience plays a greater role in receiving your content
  • They give you your initial engagement (buzz)
  • They help create your brand personality
  • They tell others about you
  • Don’t leave everyone hanging, instead interact with them. Constructive feedback can shape your business faster than you think.
  1. Authority: People assume that you are the expert, not because you say so, but because of how you behave.
  • Tell your story to build authority
  • Engage with your followers regularly
  • Educate them on how to solve problems
  1. Action– Action is a method of creating an actual response
  • Make everything you write about action-oriented/ goal-oriented
  • Create an engaging call to action
  • Use psychological trigger questions that motivate someone to take action
  • Use accountability triggers to make sure the person who took the action follows up with you later
  1. Acceleration– Acceleration is about going outside the box and doing something you’ve never done before, like opening a door you weren’t even aware was there.

Rahul Rungta

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