The Exciting Features Of Pinterest That Make It Alluring To People

Pinterest is recognized as a mobile and web application company which does operate a software system which has been designed for discovering information on the www or World Wide Web. This app commonly uses images and that too on a smaller scale, videos, and GIFs. The site of Pinterest was created by Ben Silbermann, Paul Sciarra, and Evan Sharp. According to the CEO of the company, Ben Silbermann, this company is a “catalog of ideas,” and it inspires the users to “go out plus do that thing” instead of having an image as an “image-based social network.” Nonetheless, there are more to this network than just a place for beautiful photographs and crafty ideas.

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Some unknown features of Pinterest

•     Cinematic pins – Today, scrolling down the feed of Pinterest has turned more interesting with the inclusion of cinematic pins. You will see these pins moving when you scroll, and this draws your attention from the static pins that surround them. This feature works excellent for products, such as clothing, where users wish to see many angles to influence their purchase.

•     The extension of the tab for Chrome – At times, when you open a new tab or a browser, you will notice that the Chrome extension permits the users to select the kind of pin they would love to see in the tab beside the time and the schedule. Now, if you like the pin, they show, then you can pin it to your account directly. Again, you are liberal to refresh the page until another pin attracts your eyes.

•     Notice the person who has been pinning from your site – If you have ever pondered over the user who is pinning from your website, then you can do a thing.

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You can copy and paste this link: into your address bar. After this, you can alter “” to your site’s address before pressing enter.

•    Board cover photos – Recently, for the purpose of “Extra Space Storage” board cover photos have been added to Pinterest which has got a broad title on an opaque background picture. So, when you encounter the “Extra Space Storage” page on Pinterest, then it will become much easier for you to observe what the board stores and this will help in promoting your follows.

•     Endorsed pin keywords – The brands which endorse their pins regularly, for them, it turns tough to make out the appropriate number of keywords. Hence, for this, this app advises using 20-30 exclusive keywords/pins.

•     Pin it browser button – This characteristic is not new to Pinterest, but it gets underutilized, and it turns out to be a huge time saver. No matter if you are an avid Pinterest user or a Community Manager, it turns tough for you to locate a blog or photo that you like, and so, you move from window to copy and paste “Add a Pin.” Now, this browser button will permit you to save photos and articles in a few seconds, and you will not lose your location on the page, and additionally, you won’t be required to switch windows.

Rahul Rungta

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