Why Do You Need Marketing Automation For Your Business?

A robust marketing platform is a necessity for modern businesses. Marketing automation services ease this process and help to nurture new leads, which can eventually garner revenue for the company. While many would argue that traditional marketing campaigns are great for generating leads, there are certain tasks which, when automated, makes a lot of difference. It helps to automate and streamline workflows and efficiently handles different types of marketing initiatives. While many would think larger companies require Marketing Automation, in reality, it is a great service for small and business enterprises as well.

Why do you need Marketing Automation for your business?

Here are some very obvious reasons why you need to utilize marketing automation in your organisation:

Gets rid of repetitive tasks

One of the most important task for marketing professionals is to constantly keep in touch with clients through e-mails, websites or social media. A marketing automation set up can get rid of these repetitive tasks and can systematically deliver them to potential clients with ease & without any manual intervention.

Offers personalised services

Personalised marketing automation services are extremely useful in converting prospective clients to satisfied buyers. They not only generate new revenue for the company, but also help to get an excellent return on investment. Simply put, these tools can effectively nurture leads and convert them into customers who are willing to buy products or services offered by an organisation.

Helps to design personalised email marketing campaigns

Marketing automation is known to create different types of personalised email marketing campaigns which are otherwise unavailable in the regular mass email marketing tools. This feature helps you with behaviour tracking, online form filling, social media marketing, event management, customer retention, landing page creation, reporting, analytics, CRM integration, lead generation, lead management, lead scoring, cross-selling and up-selling. It is also a great device for relationship marketing.

Lead Management in Marketing Automation
Source: AgileCRM

It helps with cross channel campaigns

One of the foremost reasons for using marketing automation is its ability to deliver cross channel campaigns. It helps you to trace prospective buyers from varied digital marketing channels by studying their behaviour, social media usage, transaction history and responses to promotional material.

Marketing automation boosts customer relations

The campaigns designed by marketing automation tools can help to boost customer relations to a large extent. It identifies prospective buyers from a given sample and tracks their behaviour. Accordingly, relevant messages are delivered to these customers based on the analysis offered by the marketing automation software.

Provides comprehensive analysis

The analytical power of marketing automation cannot be undermined. It analyses every aspect of a campaign and determines the scope for revenue generation. Companies also get perfectly analysed in-depth reports for every marketing campaign that it undertakes from the marketing automation service.
It focuses on lead scoring: Marketing campaigns are designed to help the sales team generate real revenues for the company. And it becomes very easy with lead scoring done by marketing automation tools.

Lead Scoring In Marketing Automation
Source: SharpSpring

Depending on the desired demographics and behaviour, points are assigned to leads. Accordingly, anyone from the sales team can sort leads based on their scores.

If you believe marketing automation is simply sending e-mails, you are certainly mistaken. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

Rahul Rungta

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